Форум посвященный проекту stranger.dmitrov.su. Так же сюда стоит писать пожелания или жалобы на комерческие проекты (вкусности, незабудка, мультики, софт, музыка, виртуальная библиотека, картинки, servak, future)
White_bear » Ср дек 24, 2003 0:00 am
Теперь сервер поддерживает Warcraft TFT/ROC v. 1.13
спикок того что было исправлено/добавлено в новой версии сервера(извините что на английском языке):
-- fixed clan crash bug (when any user with clans logged in on sql/cdb pvpgn
would crash)
-- made race wins needed for channel/profile icons configurable via
-- made war3/w3xp profile screen xp-progress-bar work for levels above 23
-- adjusted war3/w3xp level calculation in case of xp loss to match with
battle.net (now you drop a level when you reach the startxp of the level
below, not when you drop below the startxp of the current level)
-- modified war3_ladder code to sort primary by level and secondary by xp
(thus making war3ladder behaing like battle.net ladder now)
-- now war3 friendslist is 100% battle.net conform (also showing
dnd/away status) and immediatly showing correct
-- added promote/demote shortcut for friends
-- fixed mutual status for deleted friends
-- added support for war3 1.13 (war3 1.12 is still working)

- Терминатор Немо
- Сообщения: 1876
- Зарегистрирован: Вс ноя 02, 2003 17:32 pm
- Откуда: Янтарное королевство
Гость » Ср дек 24, 2003 23:36 pm
White_bear » Вт мар 16, 2004 17:50 pm
На сервере обновлен PVPGN сервер до 1.6.1
вот список исправлений/добавлений:
-- fixed maps configuration file for PG 2v2 and AT 2v2 LostTemple map
-- fixed news.txt beeing too long :-/
-- fixed problems with win32 compiled versions only running on >= Win2000
-- fixed a problem with PvPGN (GUI-version) run as a service wasn't shutting down
-- added logwindow limit
-- made sure D2 charsave files created with D2Closed (with file ending .d2s)
will be automatically renamed on use
-- fixed 64 bit archs issues with d2cs/d2dbs in the configuration codes
-- added missing packet NULL check (possible crash fix)
-- added support for d2gs beta6 (DiabloClone etc)
-- fixed error messages sent on client sent PINGs (this is a temporary fix)
-- fixed the problem that IRC clients weren't informed about users
joining a channel in the future the IRC codes will be cleaned up)
-- fixed problems with sql_dbcreator when using pgsql (note that
conf/sql_DB_layout has been updated)
-- fixed SQL on creating/adding new columns/attributes

- Терминатор Немо
- Сообщения: 1876
- Зарегистрирован: Вс ноя 02, 2003 17:32 pm
- Откуда: Янтарное королевство
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