попробуй обновить hands.dll... и будет, тебе, счастьеArchDiablo писал(а):дайте кто-нибудь читов плз...
а тонадоело когда тебя везде расстреливают а ты в упор из пулемета выпуская всю обойму все равно ни разу не попадаешь![]()
» AWP & Scout now have a small delay on your ability to fire, zoom, or reload after switching to them from a different weapon or item.
» Movement speed with AWP appears to be slightly faster.
» The crosshairs have been scaled to look the same on all resolutions. They are slightly larger depending on your resolution.
» New headshot icon. You can now see which weapon was used to make the headshot.
» de_nuke is now brighter, the floating box exploit in the ramp room was fixed, and the outside box near window is no longer destructible.
» de_cbble is also brighter, you can no longer climb the vines, and the bomb plant exploit at bombsite B was removed. Various other changes and additions.
» Higher accuracy on the Desert Eagle, MAC-10, and TMP.
» Sniper zoom-crosshairs have changed slightly.
» New rounded VGUI menus on scoreboard, MOTD, team selection etc.
» Solid radar can be toggled on or off with the command cl_radartype (1 or 0).
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