я наверно отвык от форума. ну мне почему-то кажется, что штурмовик тут всех за даунов считает.
ссылок нет никаких. но если покопаться, то в пару кликов можно найти один из первоисточников
http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/ ... px?ID=1974и там цитируется этот генерал-л.:
“There is an incongruency between what president [Vladimir] Putin is saying and what his forces are doing,” said Lt. Gen. Robert Otto, the Air Force’s deputy chief of staff for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. “One of the things we’re asking is, ‘Well, what are Putin’s intentions?’ His stated intentions and what I saw in airstrikes yesterday are not congruent.”
Otto reviewed unclassified imagery of airstrikes conducted Sept. 30 and that based on his assessment they were “not anti-ISIS strikes, he said during an Oct. 1 breakfast meeting with defense reporters in Washington, D.C.
Russian warplanes, like the SU-30, have been dropping “dumb bombs” over Syria, he said.
“Those aren’t precision weapons,” he said. “To me it was representative of what you would expect from dumb bombs being dropped from airplanes at medium altitude which … [is] not that impressive.”
Ну типа Путин говорит одно, делает другое. И это были не бомбежки ИГИЛа.
М-да... ну ладно, оставлю я вас наедине с колхозно-совхозным политруком...